
Modification - Grounding cable

Engine cover removed
Top engine exposed if you've never seen it before
Today, a one-point grounding job was done linking engine to negative battery terminal. The same power cable was used as in the charging job although this time, only a metre worth was required. As I started the engine and drove off, the immediate response was the spontaneous reaction as I gently prod the accelerator. I concluded that all the while, the spark plugs were starved of electricity. With the electricity supply being provided optimally, I got better response than before. This is a definitely a must-do job along with the charging job if you want a noticeable response than stock car. I think it was worth the experiment and a job well done. This completes the electrical modification for my ride. Labour charge: RM30

Grounding cable screwed to engine
Mechanic prepares to screw grounding cable to battery terminal
Grounding cable attached to negative battery terminal

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